11-5: Interpreter Attributes |
This section is not meant as a full explanation of the attributes in the Electric database, but rather is a quick list. For more detail on these and other aspects of Electric internals, see the Electric Internals Manual (a document that is available from Static Free Software).
aseen | Integer | flags for the database | |
firstportarcinst | PORTARCINST | head of linked list of connecting arcs' ports | |
firstportexpinst | PORTEXPINST | head of linked list of exports | |
geom | GEOM | geometry module | |
* | highx | Integer | high X coordinate in database units |
* | highy | Integer | high Y coordinate in database units |
lastinst | NODEINST | link to previous component of this type | |
lastnodeinst | NODEINST | link to previous component in this cell | |
* | lowx | Integer | low X coordinate in database units |
* | lowy | Integer | low Y coordinate in database units |
nextinst | NODEINST | link to next component of this type | |
nextnodeinst | NODEINST | link to next component in this cell | |
* | parent | NODEPROTO | cell that contains this component |
* | proto | NODEPROTO | type of this component |
* | rotation | Integer | angle in degrees of this component |
* | transpose | Integer | nonzero if component transposed after rot. |
* | userbits | Integer | miscellaneous flags |
adirty | Integer | flags for the database | |
* | cell | CELL | cell of which this cell is a part |
* | cellview | VIEW | view of this cell |
creationdate | Integer | date this cell was created | |
firstarcinst | ARCINST | head of list of wires in this cell | |
firstinst | NODEINST | head of list of instances of this prototype | |
firstnetwork | NETWORK | head of list of networks in this cell | |
firstnodeinst | NODEINST | head of list of components in this cell | |
* | firstportproto | PORTPROTO | head of list of exports on this cell |
* | highx | Integer | high X coordinate in database units |
* | highy | Integer | high Y coordinate in database units |
* | primindex | Integer | nonzero if this is a primitive prototype |
lastnodeproto | NODEPROTO | link to previous prototype in lib/tech | |
lastversion | NODEPROTO | earlier version of this cell | |
* | lowx | Integer | low X coordinate in database units |
* | lowy | Integer | low Y coordinate in database units |
newestversion | NODEPROTO | most recent version of this cell | |
nextnodeproto | NODEPROTO | link to next prototype in lib/tech | |
nextincell | NODEPROTO | next view in this cell | |
revisiondate | Integer | date this cell was last modified | |
rtree | RTNODE | root R-tree in this cell | |
* | primname | String | name of this primitives (if primitive) |
* | tech | TECHNOLOGY | technology in which this primitive resides |
* | userbits | Integer | miscellaneous flags |
* | version | Integer | version number of this cell |
* | cellname | String | name of this cell |
* | firstincell | NODEPROTO | first cell in this cell |
* | lib | LIBRARY | library containing this cell |
* | nextcell | CELL | link to next cell in this library |
* | conarcinst | ARCINST | wire that is connected at this port |
nextportarcinst | PORTARCINST | link to next instantiated wire connection | |
* | proto | PORTPROTO | prototype of the port that is connected |
* | exportproto | PORTPROTO | export prototype on parent cell |
nextportexpinst | PORTEXPINST | link to next instantiated export connection | |
* | proto | PORTPROTO | prototype of the port that is an export |
aseen | Integer | flags for the database | |
* | connects | ARCPROTO array | array of arc types that may connect |
* | network | NETWORK | network object |
nextportproto | PORTPROTO | link to next connection prototype | |
* | parent | NODEPROTO | component prototype with connection |
* | protoname | String | name of connection |
* | subnodeinst | NODEINST | origin component in cell |
* | subportexpinst | PORTEXPINST | origin export component in cell |
* | subportproto | PORTPROTO | origin port on component in cell |
* | userbits | Integer | miscellaneous flags |
aseen | Integer | flags for the database | |
* | endshrink | Integer | data for nonmanhattan end shrinkage |
* | geom | GEOM | geometry module |
lastarcinst | ARCINST | link to previous wire in cell | |
* | length | Integer | length in database units |
* | network | NETWORK | network object |
nextarcinst | ARCINST | link to next wire in cell | |
* | nodeinst1 | NODEINST | component on end 1 |
* | nodeinst2 | NODEINST | component on end 2 |
* | parent | NODEPROTO | cell that contains this wire |
* | portarcinst1 | PORTARCINST | instantiated wire connection on end 1 |
* | portarcinst2 | PORTARCINST | instantiated wire connection on end 2 |
* | proto | ARCPROTO | type of this wire |
* | userbits | Integer | miscellaneous flags |
* | width | Integer | width in database units |
* | xpos1 | Integer | X coordinate of end 1 in database units |
* | xpos2 | Integer | X coordinate of end 2 in database units |
* | ypos1 | Integer | Y coordinate of end 1 in database units |
* | ypos2 | Integer | Y coordinate of end 2 in database units |
arcindex | Integer | 0-based index of this arc type | |
nextarcproto | ARCPROTO | link to next arc type in this technology | |
* | nominalwidth | Integer | default wire width in database units |
* | protoname | String | name of this wire type |
* | tech | TECHNOLOGY | technology in which this wire type resides |
* | userbits | Integer | miscellaneous flags |
* | netname | String | name of this network |
namecount | Integer | number of names | |
arccount | Integer | number of arcs on this network | |
arcaddr | ARCINST array | address of arc(s) on this network | |
refcount | Integer | number of arcs on network | |
portcount | Integer | number of ports on this network | |
buslinkcount | Integer | number of busses referencing this network | |
* | parent | NODEPROTO | cell that has this network |
* | signals | Integer | width of bus or index into bus |
* | networklist | NETWORK array | list of single-wire networks on bus |
nextnetwork | NETWORK | next in linked list | |
lastnetwork | NETWORK | previous in linked list |
* | entryisnode | Integer | nonzero for component |
* | entryaddr | NODEINST or ARCINST | address of component or wire |
* | highx | Integer | high X coordinate in database units |
* | highy | Integer | high Y coordinate in database units |
* | lowx | Integer | low X coordinate in database units |
* | lowy | Integer | low Y coordinate in database units |
* | flag | Integer | nonzero if pointers are terminal (geom) |
* | highx | Integer | high X coordinate in database units |
* | highy | Integer | high Y coordinate in database units |
* | lowx | Integer | low X coordinate in database units |
* | lowy | Integer | low Y coordinate in database units |
* | parent | RTNODE | parent R-tree node |
* | pointers | RTNODE array | children (type depends on "flag") |
* | total | Integer | number of children in this node |
* | curnodeproto | NODEPROTO | currently edited cell in library |
firstcell | CELL | head of list of cells in library | |
firstnodeproto | NODEPROTO | head of list of cells in library | |
lambda | Integer array | values of lambda for all technologies | |
* | libname | String | name of this library |
* | libfile | String | disk file associated with this library |
nextlibrary | LIBRARY | link to next library in Electric | |
* | userbits | Integer | miscellaneous flags |
* | deflambda | Integer | value of lambda in database units |
firstarcproto | ARCPROTO | head of list of wire types in this technology | |
firstnodeproto | NODEPROTO | head of list of primitive components | |
techindex | Integer | 0-based index of this technology | |
* | nexttechnology | TECHNOLOGY | link to next technology in Electric |
* | techdescript | String | long description of this technology |
* | techname | String | short name of this technology |
userbits | Integer | miscellaneous flags (none at present) |
* | nextview | VIEW | link to next view |
* | viewname | String | name of this view |
* | sviewname | String | abbreviated name of this view |
* | curnodeproto | NODEPROTO | cell in window |
* | gridx | Integer | X spacing of grid |
* | gridy | Integer | Y spacing of grid |
lastwindowpart | WINDOWPART | last in linked list | |
* | location | String | name of window |
nextwindowpart | WINDOWPART | next in linked list | |
screenlx | Integer | low X coordinate in cell | |
screenly | Integer | low Y coordinate in cell | |
screenhx | Integer | high X coordinate in cell | |
screenhy | Integer | high Y coordinate in cell | |
state | Integer | miscellaneous information about window | |
uselx | Integer | low X coordinate on screen | |
usely | Integer | low Y coordinate on screen | |
usehx | Integer | high X coordinate on screen | |
usehy | Integer | high Y coordinate on screen |
* | bits | Integer | bitplanes of color display |
* | col | Integer | color to use |
* | raster | Integer array | 16x16 bit pattern |
* | conname | String | name of constraint system |
* | condesc | String | description of constraint system |
* | aidname | String | name of this tool |
* | aidstate | Integer | miscellaneous flags |
* | aidindex | Integer | 0-based index of this tool |
* | count | Integer | number of points |
* | desc | GRAPHICS | graphic appearance |
* | font | Integer | font size |
* | layer | Integer | layer number |
limit | Integer | max allocated points | |
* | portproto | PORTPROTO | port association |
* | string | String | message (if text style) |
* | style | Integer | style |
* | tech | TECHNOLOGY | technology |
* | xv | Integer array | X coordinate values |
* | yv | Integer array | Y coordinate values |
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