1-3: UNIX Installation |
The Electric distribution is a single file in UNIX "tar" format, GNU-zipped (see http://www.gzip.org for more information). To install Electric, follow this procedure:
Here are some detail on the Electric distribution:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/X11R6/lib/
Now go to the Electric directory and edit the "Makefile".
Near the top are comments labeled "T1LIB TRUETYPE".
Uncomment the two lines (remove the "#" from the beginning of the lines)
and change the lines so that they point into the T1Lib folder that you have just installed.
For example,
if the T1Lib libraries installed into "/usr/local/lib" and the T1Lib headers installed into "/usr/local/include",
then you want these lines to read:
TRUETYPE_LIBS = /usr/local/lib/libt1.a
TRUETYPECFLAGS = -DTRUETYPE=1 -I/usr/local/include
Next (this is the most painful part),
you have to set the environment variable T1LIB_CONFIG to point to the file "t1lib.config".
This file may be installed in "/usr/local/share/t1lib".
There will certainly be a copy in the "examples" folder of the distribution.
The catch here is that this file has relative path names in it which must be converted to absolute.
So, if you have extracted the T1Lib distribution into the folder "/home/strubin/T1-1.1.0",
then the file should look like this:
This is a configuration file for t1lib
Finally, rebuild Electric with the TrueType library.
When you run it,
you will get a warning if any of the TrueType initialization fails
(in which case it will revert to the non-TrueType code).
Otherwise, you have it.
Note that Electric uses the first font in the database by default.
To change the font that Electric uses,
set the environment variable ELECTRIC_TRUETYPE_FONT to the desired font name.
You can see a list of available fonts by setting this environment variable to an unknown name,
in which case Electric will show all fonts in its error message.
0 long 031176377777 Electric library
0 long 037777774711 Electric library
Electric.font5: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*
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