Chapter 10: The JELIB and DELIB File Format
10-3: Body
10-3-4: Exports

Inside of a cell definition, exports are declared with the "E" line. All exports are sorted by their name. The syntax is:

E<portID> | <name> | <TD> | <originalNode> | <originalPort> | <flags> [ | <variable> ]*
<portID>the export ID of the export.
<name>the name of the export. If empty, the <portID> field is used.
<TD>the text descriptor for writing the port (described later).
<originalNode>the name of the node instance in this cell that the export resides on.
<originalPortID>the ID of the port on the exported node instance (may be blank if there are no choices).
<flags>flags for the export (see below).
<variable>a list of variables on the export (see Section 10-4-1).

The <flags> field has the format:
    <characteristics> [ /A ] [ /B ]
Where <characteristics> is the nature of the export. Choose from the following:

"U" unknown."C2" clock phase 2.
"I" input."C3" clock phase 3.
"O" output."C4" clock phase 4.
"B" bi-directional."C5" clock phase 5.
"P" power."C6" clock phase 6.
"G" ground."RO" reference output.
"C" clock."RI" reference input.
"C1" clock phase 1.   "RB" reference base.
/A indicates that the export is always drawn
/B indicates that the export is body-only (no equivalent on the icon)


Exports port "a" of node instance "conn@14" and calls it "s[18]". The text of the export is attached at the center of the port ("D5") and is 2 units high ("G2;"). It is of type input, and only appears in the contents (not the icon).

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